Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Happy Halloween

This would have been Anastasia's entry for the Halloween contest. She actually created it in July for a Fashion Friday but then realized that it was better suited for Halloween. So it was never published...
I used it as a blueprint for some
Remember: This Friday, November 2, I will put up her last "I Dare You All" on
The Cat Realm blog.

Friday, October 5, 2007

A Poem For Anastasia

There is a hole in my life.
It hovers and crouches

and then it swallows me up.

There is a hole in my life.
It burns and screams
and then it beats me down.

There is a hole in my life

which strangles my heart

as I try to fill it with

memories of you.

There is a hole in my life

which rips me apart.